Program #14

Fine Arts Theatre
Fine Arts Theatre
Beverly Hills, California 90211
United States
As You Are 0:07:00
Between Us 0:05:00
Cass Half Full 0:07:29
CROWN 0:14:59
Strange Fruit: The Hip-hopera Short Film "Hear the Cry" 0:08:29
Thistle 0:09:18
Unboxed 0:05:30
Virtual Living 0:13:52
A Shattering 19:53

A Shattering
Starring Scott Cohen and Kelly Wolf

As You Are

Cass Half Full

Strange Fruit: The Hip-hopera "Hear the Cry"
The strange fruits of this couple's history now haunt their upcoming marriage. As LaShelle walks down the aisle, their wedding is violently interrupted when the ghost of Inka tries to kill Todd. While he knocks at death's door, LaShelle makes a pledge to do anything to save him! That means traveling back in time to first rescue Inka. Her spirit guide JUNE, a magical, whimsical Underground Railroad Conductor, guides LaShelle back on this extraordinary journey of two women colliding across centuries...
Told through rap, song and dance, Strange Fruit is a thrilling hip-hop musical, like 12 Years a Slave meets Hamilton. In our "Hear the Cry" scene, LaShelle has just arrived in 1807 and has been sold to MASTER QUINCY FLETCHER, the ancestor of her fiancé Todd. She encounters the severity of slavery first-hand in the cotton fields... and meets her mystic ancestor Inka for the first time. Ultimately, the story navigates roots, romance and redemption.
The urgent mission of our film is to ignite healing, unity and racial reconciliation to our nation through a cinematic voice for social justice. The American public still struggles to talk honestly about race relationships – especially between Black and white. Moreover, this country still sweeps much of its painful 400-year history of cattle slavery under the rug. These “strange fruits” of the past still haunt us like Billie Holiday's song – even as an African American woman runs a historic campaign for President. America faces a racial reckoning that is now exploding through civil and political unrest.
In Strange Fruit, the nation’s current racial divide is symbolized by Todd and LaShelle’s forbidden marriage. In order for them to make it down the aisle
--and for us to progress as a people-- we must go back to a past steeped in prejudice. LaShelle’s journey back into her haunted family history represents America’s return to its roots. Now, Strange Fruit: The Hip-hopera isn’t just another slave movie. It meets the moment as a powerful call to confront America’s legacy of racism. The Ghanian proverb "Sankofa" is our theme... in order to go forward, you must go back.
"Hear the Cry" is the first step to our ultimate goal of producing Strange Fruit into a feature film.
Instagram @StrangeFruit_Hiphopera

The Story of Terry Moore

When he was fifteen, he heard an “in the house” gunshot which woke him out of a sound sleep. He had learned over the years that if it concerned him, they’d come and get him so, he rolled over and went back to sleep. The house remained absolutely quiet for about an hour and then he heard his bedroom door hinges creak open. What happened next is the secret he would keep for 60 years but, keep watching, it is about to be revealed.


Virtual Living
Starring: William Stanford Davis (Abbott Elementary)
20 -year-old Kira is a programming genius , raised by her Grandma June. Roles have reversed and Kira finds herself as a programmer by day and caregiver by night. That is until she is forced to concede that her grandma needs constant care. As June’s health quickly deteriorates, Kira stumbles upon a way to help. She creates a virtual world for her grandmother to live a lucid and full life with her partner Frank. As things evolve, Kira discovers that in order for the VR world to successfully halt June’s deterioration, she must connect June permanently. The secret is found out and Kira is forced to face the authorities for her actions.