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LadyFilmmakers 2024

Official Selection

Nerot Shel Shabbat

Nerot Shel Shabbat follows a young expecting Jewish couple, Rivkah and Chaim, who for the sake of their family, have to flee on Shabbat, the holiest day of the week in Judaism. Despite the dangers, they undertake a perilous journey to Poland, in an attempt to flee persecution in 1948 soviet union amidst ongoing antisemitism. Terrified for their lives, they get on a train ride to a new country and hold true to their faith for a better life.

Official Selection

The Mayfly

The Mayfly is a lyrical tale of young Megalyn Mayfly who was born in New York City’s Central Park. The story was inspired by an actual event witnessed by the film’s Creator, legendary Actress/Singer Betty Lynn Buckley. Megalyn goes against all Mayfly cultural norms to dedicate her short life to Music and Dance. Her quest takes her from Central Park West to the Upper East Side’s Café Carlyle where she performs her final opus, creating beautiful patterns in the light as she dances over the head of singer Judy Collins. Animated traditionally in 2D, The Mayfly is a love letter to Music and New York City.

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