1 min
Marie Barnas is an award winning filmmaker focusing on documentary and short films. Her projects have been recognized by Emmy, Telly, Cindy, and have been exhibited worldwide. In 2014-15 she was awarded fellowships by The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, The International Radio and Television Society, and The National Association of Television Producers and Executives. She is a member of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Nashville/Midsouth Chapter, The Broadcast Education Association, and The Telly Council. In 2021-22 she raised over $150,000 through grants, private donations, and crowdfunding for her latest film The Cost of Caring, her first feature film production. In her spare time she enjoys spoiling her three fur babies, Heidi Roo, Roxy Roo, and Boris Boo. When she isn’t traveling to distant lands, she also co-produces the award winning podcast Voca Vacay with her husband and colleague Frank Barnas. She is a native of South Charleston, West Virginia and worked in the film industry in Atlanta, GA from 2004-2011.
Frank Barnas is a three-time Fulbright recipient who has authored eight textbooks, seven screenplays, and worked on documentaries in locations ranging from Antarctica to Moldova. His creative work has received nearly 50 awards from festivals including the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the Telly Awards, and Worldfest Houston. When he isn't in the studio, he hikes the Appalachian Trail, enjoys rock climbing, and produces the Voca Vacay travel podcast with his wife Marie.
Marie Barnas is an award winning filmmaker focusing on documentary and short films. Her projects have been recognized by Emmy, Telly, Cindy, and have been exhibited worldwide. In 2014-15 she was awarded fellowships by The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, The International Radio and Television Society, and The National Association of Television Producers and Executives. She is a member of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Nashville/Midsouth Chapter, The Broadcast Education Association, and The Telly Council. In 2021-22 she raised over $150,000 through grants, private donations, and crowdfunding for her latest film The Cost of Caring, her first feature film production. In her spare time she enjoys spoiling her three fur babies, Heidi Roo, Roxy Roo, and Boris Boo. When she isn’t traveling to distant lands, she also co-produces the award winning podcast Voca Vacay with her husband and colleague Frank Barnas. She is a native of South Charleston, West Virginia and worked in the film industry in Atlanta, GA from 2004-2011.
Frank Barnas is a three-time Fulbright recipient who has authored eight textbooks, seven screenplays, and worked on documentaries in locations ranging from Antarctica to Moldova. His creative work has received nearly 50 awards from festivals including the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the Telly Awards, and Worldfest Houston. When he isn't in the studio, he hikes the Appalachian Trail, enjoys rock climbing, and produces the Voca Vacay travel podcast with his wife Marie.
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Program #9 Saturday 5:15 PM
Feature Film + Shorts Program
Cost of Caring
Good Grief
Fifty-Four Days
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