My Fairy Godmother
Short Film

The fairy godmother's strategy is to invite Marta to meet her future selves so that she sees that her current worries will be solved. But each of the Martas bring their own worries from the future. The fairy godmother will have to use her wits to cheer up the girl's birthday so that, all together, they discover the importance of always having hope.
La estrategia del hada madrina es invitar a Marta a conocer a sus ‘’yo’’ del futuro para que vea que sus preocupaciones de ahora se van a resolver.
El problema es que cada una de las Martas trae, a su vez, sus preocupaciones del futuro. El hada madrina tendrá que tirar de ingenio para conseguir animar el cumpleaños de la niña y que, entre todas, descubran la importancia de tener esperanza siempre.

Beatriz de Silva (Cáceres, 1997). Graduated in Advertising and PR at the University of Navarra and the Film and TV Screenwriting Master's Degree at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Author of the poetry books: "Mármol" and "Barro". Also screenwriter and director of the short film "Tula" (2021) candidate at the Oscar's Academy Awards' short list. She has participated in the feature films "Akelarre", "Baby", and "Voy a pasármelo bien" as AD. Beatriz is currently pre-producing her first feature film as screenwriter and director "Todos los colores" with Cattleya Producciones as well as her first published novel with "Temas de hoy" from Editorial Planeta.
